Zhang, J.D., Hatje, K., Sturm, G., Broger, C., Ebeling, M., Burtin, M., Terzi, F., Pomposiello, S.I., Badi, L. (2017). Detect tissue heterogeneity in gene expression data with BioQC. BMC genomics 18(1): 277.

  title = {Detect tissue heterogeneity in gene expression data with {BioQC}},
  author = {Jitao David Zhang and Klas Hatje and Gregor Sturm and Clemens Broger and Martin Ebeling and Martine Burtin and Fabiola Terzi and Silvia Ines Pomposiello and Laura Badi},
  journal = {BMC Genomics},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {18},
  number = {1},
  pages = {277},
  url = {http://accio.github.io/BioQC/},
  • Jitao David Zhang. Maintainer, author.

  • Laura Badi. Author.

  • Gregor Sturm. Author.

  • Roland Ambs. Author.

  • Iakov Davydov. Author.