Convert a list to an IndexList object

IndexList(object, ..., keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset = 1L)

# S4 method for numeric
IndexList(object, ..., keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset = 1L)

# S4 method for logical
IndexList(object, ..., keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset = 1L)

# S4 method for list
IndexList(object, keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset = 1L)



Either a list of unique integer indices, NULL and logical vectors (of same lengths), or a numerical vector or a logical vector. NA is discarded.


If object isn't a list, additional vectors can go here.


Logical, whether NA indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)


Logical, whether duplicated indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)


Integer, the starting index. Default: 1 (as in the convention of R)


The function returns a list of vectors


testList <- list(GS_A=c(1,2,3,4,3), GS_B=c(2,3,4,5), GS_C=NULL, GS_D=c(1,3,5,NA), GS_E=c(2,4)) testIndexList <- IndexList(testList) IndexList(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), offset=0)
#> A list of 3 indices with offset=0 #> Options: NA removed: TRUE; duplicates removed: TRUE #> NONAME (n=2): 2,3 #> NONAME (n=1): 3 #> NONAME (n=1): 1
IndexList(list(A=1:3, B=4:5, C=7:9))
#> A list of 3 indices with offset=1 #> Options: NA removed: TRUE; duplicates removed: TRUE #> A (n=3): 1,2,3 #> B (n=2): 4,5 #> C (n=3): 7,8,9
IndexList(list(A=1:3, B=4:5, C=7:9), offset=0)
#> A list of 3 indices with offset=0 #> Options: NA removed: TRUE; duplicates removed: TRUE #> A (n=3): 1,2,3 #> B (n=2): 4,5 #> C (n=3): 7,8,9