Convert a list into a SignedIndexList

SignedIndexList(object, ...)

# S4 method for list
SignedIndexList(object, keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset = 1L)



A list of lists, each with two elements named `pos` or `neg`, can be logical vectors or integer indices


additional arguments, currently ignored


Logical, whether NA indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)


Logical, whether duplicated indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)


offset; 1 if missing


A SignedIndexList, a list of lists, containing two vectors named `positive` and `negative`, which contain the indices of genes that are either positively or negatively associated with a certain phenotype


myList <- list(a = list(pos = list(1, 2, 2, 4), neg = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), b = list(NA), c = list(pos = c(c(2, 3), c(1, 3)))) SignedIndexList(myList)
#> A list of 3 signed indices with offset=1 #> Options: NA removed: TRUE; duplicates removed: TRUE #> a[n=5] #> positive[n=3]:1,2,4 #> negative[n=2]:1,3 #> b (no genes) #> c[n=3] #> positive[n=3]:2,3,1 #> negative[n=0]:
## a special case of input is a single list with two elements, \code{pos} and \code{neg} SignedIndexList(myList[[1]])
#> A list of 1 signed indices with offset=1 #> Options: NA removed: TRUE; duplicates removed: TRUE #> NONAME[n=5] #> positive[n=3]:1,2,4 #> negative[n=2]:1,3