Set the namespace field in each gene-set within a GmtList

setNamespace(x, namespace)



A GmtList object encoding a list of gene-sets


It can be either a function that applies to a gene-set list element of the object (for instance function(x) x$desc to extract description), or a vector of the same length of x, or in the special case NULL, which will erase the field namespace.

Note that using vectors as namespace leads to poor performance when the input object has many gene-sets.


myGmtList <- GmtList(list(list(name="GeneSet1", desc="Namespace1", genes=LETTERS[1:3]), list(name="GeneSet2", desc="Namespace1", genes=rep(LETTERS[4:6],2)), list(name="GeneSet1", desc="Namespace1", genes=LETTERS[4:6]), list(name="GeneSet3", desc="Namespace2", genes=LETTERS[1:5]))) hasNamespace(myGmtList)
#> [1] FALSE
myGmtList2 <- setNamespace(myGmtList, namespace=function(x) x$desc) gsNamespace(myGmtList2)
#> [1] "Namespace1" "Namespace1" "Namespace1" "Namespace2"
## the function can provide flexible ways to encode the gene-set namespace myGmtList3 <- setNamespace(myGmtList, namespace=function(x) gsub("Namespace", "C", x$desc)) gsNamespace(myGmtList3)
#> [1] "C1" "C1" "C1" "C2"
## using vectors myGmtList4 <- setNamespace(myGmtList, namespace=c("C1", "C1", "C1", "C2")) gsNamespace(myGmtList4)
#> [1] "C1" "C1" "C1" "C2"
myGmtList2null <- setNamespace(myGmtList2, namespace=NULL) hasNamespace(myGmtList2null)
#> [1] FALSE